Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 22 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 22: What's in your purse?

Mom's (and some Dad's!) everywhere will get me when I say "what purse?" I haven't carried one since Braxton was born. My purse in now a diaper bag! So, I will tell what is in it...

Diaper rash cream
Changing pad
An extra outfit
Formula/Solid food and spoons, with extra! and out of their proper receptacle. Those things spread like wildfire.
Alcohol wipes
Nail clippers

Then there is my crap. Wallet. Phone. My Kobo. Personal items. That's it.

This is my most boring post ever....

Night, ya'll!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 20 & 21 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

I keep getting a little behind on this thing. I didn't have the computer yesterday and refused to do it from my deal with it:)

Day 20: Nicknames

I don't know if Becky/Beck is considered a nickname, since they are just short for my actual name Rebecca, but I'm called one of those two by most people that know me. My Uncle used to call me Scooter when I was little (I think...). My favorite nickname is Becka Lou. A past co-worker started calling me that one day about 5 years ago and it just stuck, and also spread! 

While Beck...or Becky...or Rebecca if I'm in trouble, is my name, I tried changing it once. When my parents registered me for school they asked what name I would like to go by (for kids with names like Michael, who might go by Mike...Jennifer who might go by get it). I was still called Rebecca at that time, but I guess my mom wanted to know if I'd like to go by maybe Becky or Becca in school. I thought for a moment, and responded with...Kimberly! I haven't managed to find a culture where Kimberly is short for Rebecca, so Becky it is.

Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?

I literally just spent an hour looking through all of the pictures I have on the computer. I can't really say any of them are my favorite of ALL TIME...but I really like this one...

This is a picture of my cousin, Jen, and myself. I have no idea when it was taken, or even where. My guess is maybe at our Grandparent's house? Not sure. But anyway, I like this one because I have a lot...A LOT of wonderful memories from when I was younger with my family. My family, on both sides, meant so much to me, and still do. Almost every single one of my fondest childhood memories involve times at either my Grandma and Grandpa's or Nana and Pop Pop's house, and this picture just reminds me of one of those times. Plus, we look ridiculously cute :)

I haven't given much of an update lately, so I'll take the time to do that now...

Yesterday, Matt found out that he is going to be deploying with the 24th MEU. Basically, he will be on a ship that goes out to sea with a few other ships. They go out to perform certain missions, and are kind of on a "on-call" status as well. If something were to go down, they would go wherever their assistance is needed. We don't know exactly where he'll go yet, or when. But he is going. We originally thought sometime this fall, but now we're thinking early next year, since they will be relieving the 22nd MEU and that is around when they are scheduled to return. Either way, we have time to prepare. 

Andrew is doing well. Yesterday, he was supposed to start practice with the golf team we signed him up for, but their coach deployed. So now we're just waiting for them to find another one. He's really been looking forward to it, so it kind of sucks. But things happen, so hopefully they will find another coach soon. He hasn't really had much else going on. Just been busy with school and playing with his friends!

Braxton is also doing well. His 7th tooth came through this week, and we felt every bit of it! I'm so glad it finally pushed through. He was miserable! He's so mobile now. He's been doing this kind of inch worm army crawl thing for a little while now, but now he's crawling on all fours. He's doing great with standing himself up and walking along the couches and cruising. He wants to walk, I know he does. He just needs to get his balance down. He babbles non stop. He's definitely saying something, we just can't understand a word of it! He says a few words, though. He still says dog, he points to things and asks whats that...although it sounds more like "Whssat?", he says "All Done!", and he says Andrew! Its so funny to hear him "talk." He points his finger and shakes his fist and says all sorts of things that I'm sure make sense to him. He does so many funny things that are really hard to explain. I'm doing my best to catch them on camera for everyone to see.

As for me, nothing super new is going on. I've mentioned that I'm going back to school, hopefully this summer, and I'm so very excited about it. My "diet" (I still HATE calling it that!) is going great! I just started my 6th week (which is crazy!) today, and I've lost 16 pounds! I am so very happy about that and I'm really proud of myself. I'm starting to notice physical changes too, which is good. Its discouraging when you're working your butt of and don't actually see the changes, so I'm glad its becoming noticeable. All of my jeans are too big to wear, aside from 2 pairs that were too small before (hooray!), so its definitely starting to pay off. I am 7 pounds away from reaching my first goal. Just typing that made me smile :)

And because I just saw the video via Facebook and am super excited, I want to share that our niece, Eloyse, is walking!!! My heart swelled with happiness and pride when I watched it. My niece is walking!!! I can't stop smiling! :):):)

That's all I've got. See ya tomorrow :)

Kimberly errrr...I mean Beck...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 18 & 19 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat

There's no way I can narrow this down to one place. I love food too much to pick just one, so I'll give you a short list of my favorites, in no particular order...

1. G & M in Linthicum Heights, MD. The best crab cakes ever. Period.
2. Niche Bei Kai in Columbia, MD. I love Hibachi and I LOVE Sushi...anywhere that serves up either of those well is good by me.
3. I don't know if this place is even around anymore, but Darryl's in Richmond, VA. They had the best ribs I've ever had (aside from my Grandpa's!), and the ambiance was a lot of fun.
4. Lulu's in Gulf Shores, AL. Its a restaurant owned by Lucy Buffett, Jimmy Buffett's sister. She offers a lot of southern-inspired dishes that are delicious, as well as a great atmosphere.
5. The Prime Rib in Baltimore. My stomach literally just growled at the thought. So. So. Good. Very pricey, though, so its not something we get to experience often. This is saved for special occasions.
6. P.F. Changs. I tried keeping the chains off this list, but their Mongolian Beef is out-of-this-world good.
7. Five Guys Burger and Fries. Great burgers and delicious fries. Nice and simple.

I could sit here all night and think of other places I love to eat, but, I don't want to, so I'll stop for now. Plus, its making me crazy hungry.

Day 19: Something you miss

This one is easy. My Family and Friends! We've been living away from home for almost 4 years now (which is crazy! I feel like we just left!) and it definitely gets hard sometimes. Matt and I are both very close with our families, so we miss being around them like we used to. We feel like we miss out on a lot, and that can definitely suck. My Grandma had a heart attack last year, and I hated not being able to be there. Matt's Pop Pop had a stroke a few months back and is currently at a rehab center, and we would love nothing more than to be able to go and see him. Matt's Step-Mom (I really hate to use the term "step" or "in-law" or "half"...I'm just using it in this case to derail any confusion!) had back surgery over the holidays and we would've loved to have been able to help her out. Our niece's Eloyse and Alexa are getting so big and beautiful and it sucks only being able to see the majority of it all through pictures. My God-Daughter Chloe has turned into this beautiful girl in what seems like overnight, and I wish I could see her more. And just being able to stop over any of our parents' house for dinner, or just a chat. I miss all of the little things...mainly because once you can't have them anymore, you realize just how big they really are!

Having said all that, I wouldn't trade our life for anything. We've met some wonderful people along the way and would not have had the chance to had we not chosen this life. We've gotten the opportunity to experience different regions of the country, and will only get the chance to see more. If being away from our friends and family has brought anything positive, its that its brought us closer. When the people you've got to rely on daily are the only ones around you, you learn to appreciate them so much more. Being away has also made me stronger. A lot stronger. If you would have asked me 5 years ago if I would be able to handle being hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of miles away from my family raising 2 kids, all while juggling deployments, training, and times when Matt just can't be here, not to mention adding a full-time school schedule into the mix (am I nuts???)  I would have told you 100% absolutely no way. And I wouldn't have been lying. I really don't think I could've done it back then. I think all of us, military wives in particular, have moments of "I can't do this." I know I've had them, more than a couple times. But then I look around. I look at what we've accomplished and into the faces of my two boys and realize I HAVE to do this. I WANT to do this Are there times when maybe I DON'T want to? I would be a liar if I told you no. But I would be one miserable cuss if I didn't. This life...its not glamorous. Its stressful and its not easy. The money is horrible, and there are times when we really struggle to get by. But, I wouldn't give it up for the world.

I also really miss steamed crabs...

Love you all,
Beck :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 17 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 17: Something you're looking forward to

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is starting school! I submitted my application today and have started the process of obtaining my high school and previous college transcripts. I'm hoping to start the Summer Semester. I'm going to start at the local community college here. Its so much cheaper that way, and if all goes as planned, I'll still end up with the same degree if I started off at the 4-year college I'll transfer to anyway. So the way I see it, I'm smart :) I'm really kicking myself for not finishing what I started when I first began college. I would have sooo been done by now! Oh well...better late than never!

I'm also looking forward to Braxton's 1st Birthday! Invitations will be in the mail soon. We were originally going to drive home for his party, but his cousin's 1st Birthday party is the weekend before. We'll be driving up for that, and its just too much to go home twice back-to-back. If people can make it down, great. If not, well then they can't. I would like to think anyone who is able to would make the trip, but we shall see. Your kids only turn 1 once, so of course its incredibly important to us and we want everyone to share his special day with us. Plus, you get to spend a weekend in the warm sunshine by the beach with the cutest baby ever. Yes, that is me officially calling every one of you out! :)

I'm also looking forward to warmer weather! I'm not sure I've ever said that, since I love cool, fall temperatures. I guess Florida got to me. It was in the mid 80's here the other day, and I'm itching to get to the beach! Matt found a ton of places that sell crabs down here. Warm weather + steamed crabs + beer = perfection. I. Can't. Wait.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 16 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge

Day 16: Dream House

I almost forgot about this today!

My dream house...hmmm, well for one, my dream house would be one that is mine! Owning a home is definitely a goal of ours (guess I should've added that to the Goals day...). I feel like its something that is pretty far off, but hopefully one day we will be able to make it a reality.

As far as the physical aspects...

I want a home somewhere that is within driving distance to the beach, but is in a mountainous area also. Somewhere rural, yet easy access to the things I need. Somewhere secluded. It doesn't need to be a mansion. The bigger the house, the more I have to clean, furnish, and heat/cool. I want a rustic, cozy, country style home. Maybe something like a log cabin? Something with a big backyard for the boys to play in. I want an insane bathroom. I want one of those showers with like 10 different shower heads, and a BIG bath tub. I want a big kitchen with lots of counter space, with one of those things in the middle that pots and pans hang from. I also want hardwood floors, tall ceilings, and a big fireplace in the living room and also the bedroom. I want a sitting area in the bedroom where I can read, write, or just relax. It has to be beautifully landscaped, with a big rose garden in memory of my Pop Pop, who had the most beautiful roses ever.

I could sit here and add details all night, but I'm getting sleepy, so I'll leave it here for now. Hope you all have a wonderful night!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 15 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 15: Bible verse

Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I have a few verses that I really like, but this one sticks out right now. I'm planning on going back to school this summer or fall to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in English with a minor in Journalism. The thought scares me. No, it terrifies me. Its been almost 10 years since I've been in school and that makes me worry that I won't be able to do it. But, when I think to this verse, it gives me strength and comfort in knowing I can do this. It won't be easy, but the strength I have in myself through Him will help me succeed.

As scary as it is, I am really, REALLY excited about it!!! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 12, 13, and 14 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

I'm combining the remaining days I need to catch up on into 1 post...

Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without

9 times out of 10, Braxton. But aside from him, I never leave the house without my wallet, and I try my best to not leave without my phone. If I have the kids with me then I always have my phone.

Day 13: Goals

To provide the best life possible for my kids and to be happy are my 2 biggest and ones that will never go away. But some more specific ones are...

To lose 10% of my starting weight. I'm not too far off! There will be more goals once I reach this one as far as weight loss goes. I'm just setting small, less overwhelming ones.

To be able to run a 5K by the end of this year.

To start saving money!!! This is definitely the hardest one!

I could go on all day about things I want to obtain, but I'll leave off here for now!

Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?

This is a picture of me last year, obviously very pregnant with Braxton. Aside from how I've physically changed (absolutely EVERYTHING was swollen in this picture, and I'm happy to say I am 44 lbs lighter lol), I've changed in other ways as well. I'm much more patient and have a lot more confidence in myself and my decisions. When I had Andrew, I had A LOT of help, and had no idea what it was like to have a baby totally on my own (or OUR own, I should say). Having Braxton with absolutely no one around to help us was really beneficial. It helped us realize that yes, we CAN do this on our own and do a good job of it. Its kind of the same thing when Matt deployed and I chose not to go back home. I proved to myself that I can handle things by myself and am strong enough to get through it. Braxton is turning out to be one hell of a kid, so I'd say we're doing a great job!

Ok, I think I'm caught up. For those of you that don't know, my Uncle Jack passed away last Thursday. My Dad flew into town Friday afternoon, and he, myself, and the boys drove up to MD Sunday morning, got into town in time for the viewing Sunday night, went to the funeral Monday morning, and drove him Monday afternoon. It was a busy few days, but I'm glad I was able to make the trip. I didn't have time to make my usual rounds to see everyone, which is why I didn't make a big announcement that I would be home. I knew I would be in town less than 24 hours and that it would be impossible to do so.

The funeral was nice, as far as funerals go I guess? Naturally it was sad, but I have a lot of comfort in knowing where he is now. He was a wonderful man. He was also incredibly funny, and sweet. He and my Aunt used to own a bakery in Ellicott City and they had the best cheese bread. My Nana ALWAYS had some in the house. I know she was there to welcome him with open arms when he passed. I hope he gave her the kiss I asked him to pass along! :)

I got to meet some family that I've never met before, and others that I haven't seen in years. I met my Uncle Jack's grandchildren, which was cool. They are my Dad's cousin's children, so I'm trying to figure out how they are related to Braxton and Andrew. I think they are 2nd cousins once removed. Braxton and Andrew's Great-Great-Grandmother is their Great-Grandmother, so yeah... I think that's right. I'm actually in the process of doing some ancestry research. My Dad was able to trace my Nana's (his mother's) family tree back to the 1600's in Germany. I don't know much about my Pop Pop's side, and the most I know about my mom's side are my Great-Great Grandparents on her mother's side came to this country from Germany. My Grandma has a bunch of information for me, so I'm excited to learn more.

That's it for today. It is far too nice out to be inside sitting in front of a computer, so I think Braxton and I will take full advantage! Hope you all have a wonderful day! :)


Day 11 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 11: Favorite tv shows

I love Desperate Housewives. I refused to watch it for the first few seasons, because I thought it was stupid (even though I had never watched it). I started watching it when Matt deployed and now I don't miss an episode.

I could watch Family Guy all day every day.

I like Bones. I just recently started watching it, but its pretty good!

Modern Family. If you haven't watched it, do yourself a favor and check it out. The funniest show on TV.

Sons of Anarchy. Another show I thought I wouldn't be into since its about a biker gang. This is probably one of the best shows I've seen it quite some time. Its fantastic!

I love, love, LOVE Glee!!!

Conan. I've had a strange, unexplainable crush on him for years. He's a love him or hate him kinda guy, and I love him:)

Day 10 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 10: Something you're afraid of

Heights are number 1. I can't stand on a chair without feeling nervous and anxious. I get nervous for other people when they are high up, even if I'm not.

I hate spiders. Not so much the little ones, but the bigger evil looking ones...bleh I got the chills just thinking about them.

I'm afraid of snakes that are in the wild. I have no issues with them as pets.

I'm afraid of being in water above my waist if I can't see the bottom (part of the reason I loved the beaches in Pensacola!)

Clowns. 'Nuff said.

Baby corn. Yes, probably the strangest one on my list, and its not something I can explain. But I am terrified of baby corn.

I'll leave it at that! I've got some more blogging to catch up on :)


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 9 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge

Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend

She would KILL me if I could find the picture I'm looking for (on the couch in my Dad's basement...alcohol was involved...not sure if she even remembers it hahaha)...but I love her so I'll use a nice one :)

This is my best friend, Laura, and myself at my wedding rehearsal dinner. We have been friends for 13 years. Her beautiful daughter, Chloe, is my God Daughter, and she is the God Mother to Braxton. We were both each other's Maid of Honors...or in her case Matron. We constantly joke around about how we're the most awesome people we know, but honestly, she really is the most awesome person I know. She's incredibly funny, even though I'm probably one of the only if not the only one who understands her jokes...mainly because they're all inside ones between the two of us! We've been through a lot, but she's stuck with me through it all! I consider her my family, and I love her dearly :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 8 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 8: A place you've traveled to

I've traveled to many places. Some of the major cities include Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Orlando, Pittsburgh, Toronto, and Washington DC. There have been many places in between. I think the one I'll choose to talk about is Toronto...

Toronto Skyline (Image source:

 I went to Toronto during my 8th grade year for a school trip to go see Phantom of the Opera at the Pantages Theater (when I lived in Syracuse, NY). I think its been renamed the Canon Theatre. It was the first (and only) time I had been out of the country. We traveled by bus, and I remember watching the movie Speed on the way (not sure how appropriate that was for a bus trip...). I don't remember exactly how long it took to get there...I'm going to guess and say about 3 hours. We got there a little while before the show started, and I remember trying to buy candy with American money. They accepted it, but I remember it being incredibly confusing. The show was absolutely AMAZING. Phantom is my favorite. I've seen it a couple times, and this one was by far the BEST. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and go. I love the music, in fact my bridal party walked down the aisle to "All I Ask of You" at our wedding. Anyway, unfortunately we did not get to see much of the city since we were a little crunched for time, but the trip itself was a great one that I won't soon forget.

Inside the Canon Theatre (Image Source:

I hope one day we will be able to travel to all sorts of places, including international ones...and preferably a bit further than Canada :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 7 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge

Day 7: Favorite Movies

I'm glad its not asking me to pick just one...

  • Anything and Everything Harry Potter...duh
  • A League of Their Own
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Dirty Dancing
  • Finding Nemo (although I love all of the Disney/Pixar movies)
  • Forrest Gump
  • Apollo 13
  • Big (yes I like Tom Hanks)
  • The Sound of Music

I love movies, so I'm sure I could add plenty more to this list, but these are the first ones that come to mind.

Before you go, I ask if you could please keep my Uncle Jack in your thoughts and prayers. He had a stroke last year and suffers from moments of dementia. He has been placed in hospice and isn't eating or drinking. I just hate to think he's giving up. I think I'd rather have any disease other than dementia/Alzheimer's. To have your memories taken from you? It's awful to even think about. He was still sharp as a tack initially after his stroke last summer. Just goes to show you how devastating something like a stroke can be. He's my Nana's brother, and the last of that "level" on my Dad's side...or generation? I don't know how to word it. But please, pray for him.
My Dad, Jeff, Myself with Braxton (he has a face, I promise), and Andrew with Uncle Jack

While you're at it, please pray (or continue to pray) for Matt's Grandfather (on his Mom's side). He also had a stroke recently and is currently in the hospital getting therapy. He's made great progress since the stroke, and I know with all the love and prayers coming in for him, he will be just fine!

Pop Pop with Braxton!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

This one is easy...

I just happened to take this one yesterday while we were on our way to the park. Andrew was smelling Braxton's feet and telling him how "stinky" they were, which had Braxton in hysterics! These 2 boys make me happier than anything on the planet and I love them with everything I have!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 5 of the 30-day Blog Challenge...

Day 5: A song to match your mood

I thought this would be the toughest question, because I constantly have songs running through my head. However, when I sat down to type this, one immediately popped into my head. "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae. Its a laid back, happy kind of song that I feel perfectly describes my mood right now. Its the kind of song that makes me want to sit outside in the sunshine, put on my sunglasses, kick back, and relax. Its going to be 75 and sunny today, so I think I may do just that :)

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 4 of the 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 4: Your Parents

Lets start with my mom...

Everyone says they have the best mom. Well, they don't. I do. My mom has always been there for me no matter what, and she always will. She has a huge heart and would do anything in her power to make sure her kids (and grandkids!) are happy. Whether its sending out a care package of chicken soup when you're sick, or making up a ridiculous joke that neither makes sense or is in the least bit funny (yet I still end up laughing, no matter how hard I fight it...), she always has a way of making you smile. She's loving, kind, and wonderful, but will be your worst nightmare if you mess with her family. She has overcome a lot of things in her life, and is someone I look up to and love with all my soul. I cannot imagine how my life would be if she were not my Mother.

Lucky me, I also have the best dad! My dad and I have been through a lot, most of it occurring during my teenage years. Apparently teenage girls are moody, attitude-ridden beasts. While we've have many downs, we have overcome it all, and I could not ask for a better relationship than the one I have with my dad. He was a bit tougher on us than mom, but it was only so we would live up to the potential he knew we had in us. He has helped me, and my brothers, out of so many situations, and would do anything for any one of us. He loves his grandkids more than I can begin to describe, and has not only accepted Matt at his daughter's husband, but as his son.

I love both of my parents more than words can say. They have been there for me every single time I've needed them. Whether it was a softball tournament in the blazing summer heat, a soccer game in the freezing cold (in which my mom would ALWAYS made a huge jug of hot chocolate for the ENTIRE team!), a lacrosse game, or something as life altering as finding out their 15 year old daughter was making them grandparents, they were there. No matter what I've done, whether it was a disappointment or a shining moment, they always made sure I knew they loved me, and there wasn't a thing I could do to change it.

Our situation might be weird to some. My parents are divorced, but they get along better now than they ever did when married. We all still spend Christmas morning together, when we can. We've all gotten together for dinners and other occasions. They do this in order to make us, their kids, happy. Even though we're all adults, they still make sure they get along for our sake. I think a lot of people could really learn something from them. There are so many families in turmoil because divorced parents (and even ones that are still married!) refuse to get along. I respect my parents so much for that, and am very grateful for making our lives a little easier!

Mom and Dad, I love you so much. Thank you for everything you've done!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 3 of 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 3: Your first love

I'm going to be incredibly cliche in this post...consider yourselves warned.

I've been thinking about this question and how I was going to answer it since I started this challenge. I came up with three different answers, and for the sake of being true to what I want this blog to be, I'm going to be honest and give them all. (Come on, you weren't expecting a simple short answer to this, were you?)

I've had what I consider three 1st loves. Each one is different, which is why I can't just give one answer to this. My first love, in the traditional sense, was Andrew's dad. We started dating in 9th grade. He was my first "real" boyfriend. I fell quickly, and fell hard. Looking back, I was so young, and really didn't know what love was (told you there would be cliches...), but whatever my definition of it was back that, I was in it. I'll leave it at that, in fear of digressing to the point of no return. And I don't mean that in a 'I don't want to talk about it' sense, I just know I'll ramble I'm starting to do now.

My second 1st love, and the point in my life where I feel I discovered it's true meaning (I think we'll count that as cliche number 2), was my son, Andrew. You don't realize just how true the phrase "you won't know true love until you have children" is until...well, you have children. The process in which Andrew came into my life was anything but orthodox (I don't mean that technically...we all know how he got here...). At that time my life was so confusing and down-right depressing, and to be perfectly honest, I thought having Andrew would make it worse. Wow, that was terribly hard for me to type, but its how I felt at the time. I didn't understand, and I was scared out of my wits. But the moment he was born and I looked at him for the first time, I had this totally overwhelming emotion and immediately knew everything had changed. I can't describe it as anything but true, unconditional love. While the circumstances in which he came about were not ideal, I believe everything happens for a reason (number 3), and there isn't one thing that I would change, for better or worse. It has shaped me into who I am.

My third first love (this is sounding silly to me now), is Matt. He was not my first boyfriend. He was not my second boyfriend. He was not the first guy I said "I love you" to. In fact, I felt so broken and damaged when we first met that I didn't think loving someone was even an option for me at that point. As much as I tried fighting it, the walls, the fence, the barriers, and the rest of the fort I had built around my heart, were totally destroyed by him (number 4, coming in strong!). For the first time, I gave not only my entire heart, but my entire being to someone, and got it back in return. We were so meant to be its not even funny (I'm losing count, keep track in your heads now). Its been almost 9 years since we started dating. We've been through A LOT, but stood strong TOGETHER through it all. He has given me a 2nd gorgeous son, a home, and a life I can be proud of. There isn't anything that we can't withstand.

Well, there is Day 3. As always, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed sharing it. One side note before I go...the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan earlier today has been and will continue to be incredibly devastating. If you pray, please say one for them. If you don't, send your thoughts. Either way, be thankful for everything and everyone in your lives that you love. In the blink of an eye it can all be taken away. Take nothing for granted.

So much love to you all,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 2 of the 30-day blog challege...

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

The name of my blog is 3 Men and a Lady (instead of the movie 3 Men and a Baby). Its pretty self-explanatory, but I named it that because there are 3 boys and 1 lady in the house! Its one of the first things that came to me, so, I went with it. The blog is all about us, so the title had to reflect that.

That one was easy...not much else going on today. Matt is taking his HM2 (or Petty Officer 2nd Class...or E5) test today, so hopefully he does well and is able to pick up in rank! He deserves it!

I might actually break down and make myself a doctor's appointment. I can't swallow without grimacing and this coughing is killing me. Although my mom kindly reminded me that Rita's is now open...that would feel better on my throat than anything the doctor could give me!

That's all for now. Have a great day, and come back tomorrow for Day 3!

Love you all,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1 of 30-Day Blog Challenge...

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts


Ok, even though most of you already know who I am...

My name is Becky. I am a 27 year old stay-at-home Mama and very proud Navy wife. I have 2 boys, Andrew, who is 12, and Braxton, who is 10 months old. My wonderful husband is Matt, who is a Corpsman in the United States Navy. We are currently station at Camp Lejeune, NC. I love my family more than anything!

My most recent picture is at the top of this page (our family picture). I do most of the picture taking so I'm usually not in any of them. I could take one now I suppose...but its still morning and I haven't gotten ready for the day, so consider it a favor that I'm not going to ;-)

15 interesting facts...this one is going to take some thought, because I'm not sure I'm all that interesting lol.

1. Well, I don't think I'm interesting! I guess that's an interesting fact. I think I'm pretty boring. While a lot of 27 year old's I know are going out on Friday and Saturday nights, I would much rather stay home with my family and watch a movie or something.

2. I feel like I was born in the wrong decade. I love the 40's era...everything from the music to the style. Some of my favorite music comes from the 60's and 70's.

3. Speaking of music, I love it. All of it. I could easily go all day long without a TV, but I have to have some sort of music at some point in the day.

4. I love to sing. For those who have had the distinct privilege of seeing me after a drink or two, chances are you know this already. Honestly though, I do love to sing. I often wonder what it would be like to do it for a living. Only problem is, you have to be good in order to do this. Ah well.

5. My dream job has always been to be a Marine Biologist and train whales and dolphins. I have wanted to do this ever since I saw Free Willy way back when. Its something I would LOVE to pursue, but I feel like perhaps that ship has sailed.

6. I have known Matt since 3rd grade. In 5th grade, he pinched my butt and blamed it on some other kid. I beat the other kid up. Matt hasn't changed.

7. I have lived in 6 different states: Virginia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina. I'm sure more will be added to this list in the future depending on where the Navy sends us!

8. I want to learn a 2nd language. I know a little Spanish, but I want to learn to speak something off the wall. Like Nepali. Well, maybe not that. But something uncommon.

9. I am a gigantic Baltimore Ravens fan (this should not be news to most of you). I also like the Washington Capitals and Baltimore Orioles (we do still have a baseball team, yes??? Haha...), but the Ravens are my favorite. One of the most depressing days for me is the last day of our season. And yes, I say "our" like I'm part of the team :-P

10. I love to cook, and I love to find new and different recipes to try. I used to be a very picky eater, but now I will try just about anything at least once before I write it off. If I could just get Andrew to do the same...

11. Up until the day I was born my parents thought I was a boy...mainly because, well, that's what they were told! Just goes to show you ultrasounds aren't 100% accurate, since last time I checked I was not a boy. All of the shower gifts given to my parents were blue and boy things. The only person who didn't care what the doctor said and still bought something for a girl was my wonderful Nana. She was a smart lady :)

12. I'm named after my Great-Great Aunt, and my middle name is after my Great-Grandfather. Yes, my middle name is after a man, even though most people pronounce it as a woman's name. His name was Carl, which they passed down to my Grandma, but added a "y" to the spelling to make it look more feminine (Caryl). She then gave it to my mom for a middle name, who then gave it to me. I hope I can pass it down as well.

13. This is one is a little creepy, but interesting I think. I watched my Grandpa die. This will sound crazy, but it was one of the most comforting things I've ever experienced. I had the most unfortunate experience of discovering that my Pop Pop had died by walking into a room and finding him that way. As soon as we (my Dad and I) walked in the room I knew. That image haunted me for years and was really hard for me to deal with. Seven years later, when I got the call that my Grandpa was dying and that I needed to get to the hospital, I was terrified, as the images and emotions I felt with the experience with my Pop Pop came back full force. I knew I was going to see him die. I was so scared to walk into that room. In my mind, I knew what death looked like, and it was something I did not want to see again. When I walked him, he did not look like my Pop Pop did. Granted, he was still alive, but it was not the image I had expected. His body was alive, but I already knew his soul was gone. Most of the family was there when I arrived, and once we were all there my Grandma let us know what his wishes were, and that even though she was asking our thoughts on it, she would ultimately fulfill his wishes by turning off the machines. We all said our goodbyes to him. After standing around him and saying a prayer, we waited as the nurse turned off the machines. I can't tell you how long it took for him to pass, as my mind was numb and was focused on him, my Grandma, and comforting my mom. My Grandma kept telling him it was ok for him to go, and that she loved him. Everything was incredibly surreal at that point. We continued to stand there together until he took his final breath. As sad as it was, it was also very peaceful. To watch someone, especially someone you love depart from this world and into the next surrounded by all who he loved and loved him in such a calm and peaceful way...its really something I will never forget. And for the first time in 7 years, I was no longer tormented by the images of my Pop Pop. I miss them both so much.

14. I can be very long-winded. Refer to #13 for proof of this.

15. I love being a mother. Its not a glamorous job, and the money is crap. But it is the most satisfying and rewarding thing I have ever done!

Ok, so I don't know how interesting any of that is, but regardless, I hope you enjoyed Day 1! Come back tomorrow for Day 2!!!

Ma timilai maya garchhu ("I love you" in Nepali...),

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Blog Challege

I came across this challenge through another blog by a friend of mine (in fact, she's the one who inspired me to start blogging in the first place and gave me a lot of help...thanks, Becca!) and I thought it was a great way to blog more and to change it up a bit.

Here is an explanation:

Day 0: The 30 Day Challenge Explanation and Description

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

Day 3: Your first love----

Day 4: Your parents

Day 5: A song to match your mood

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 7: Favorite Movies

Day 8: A place you've traveled to

Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend

Day 10: Something you're afraid of

Day 11: Favorite tv shows

Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without

Day 13: Goals

Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?

Day 15: Bible verse

Day 16: Dream house

Day 17: Something you're looking forward to

Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat

Day 19: Something you miss

Day 20: Nicknames

Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?

Day 22: What's in your purse?

Day 23: Something You Crave

Day 24: Something you've learned

Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Day 26: Your Dream Wedding

Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in

Day 28: Something that stresses you out

Day 29: 3 Wishes

Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

I guess this is considered Day 0...and you have your explanation and description...that was easy! :)

While I'm here, might as well throw in an update...
Braxton is not feeling well, yet again. The past 2 weeks have been rough for him. It started out with an ear and eye infection, which we THOUGHT had cleared up. Then last week he was running a fever of 102 for 24 hours and was totally miserable. Now today he woke up coughing with a runny nose and lots of congestion (which he's decided to share with his Mama...thanks buddy!). He has a follow-up appointment this week anyway, so hopefully we can get him feeling better soon! Sick babies make me sad :(

Matt's brother, Heath, came down this past Friday for the weekend to help Matt work on his car. I won't try to explain what exactly they did, because well...I have no idea what they did. All I know is they worked hard all day Saturday and the car should be running better now...which is good! Plus we all got to spend time with "Uncle Bubsy", and that's always a plus! Hopefully Tiff and Ella can join him next time!

I found myself missing Pensacola yesterday. Weird, I know. I think its the friends and memories we made that I was actually missing, but regardless, I missed it. I was looking through a cookbook my mom bought for me while she and my Grandma came down to visit. She picked it up at Lulu's, which is Jimmy Buffett's sister's restaurant, while we were there for dinner. The recipes, stories, and photos she shares in the book just brought back a wave of memories and good times we shared with some great people while we lived there. We've been fortunate enough to keep in contact with many of them, and I hope to do so for many years to come! We're all spread out now, from California all the way to Italy...only a few remain in Pensacola still. But, such is the military life, and is something we are going to experience more than a few times.

Today was my 2nd weigh in since my "new beginning", or whatever I'm calling it today. To my surprise, I lost 5 lbs, which puts my total at 9 lbs down! I certainly thought I would see a loss, but I was thinking 2, MAYBE 3 lbs. Definitely not 5. Not that I'm all! I just know my body will eventually slow things down, so I don't want to get into a routine of thinking 5 lbs a week is normal. I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm eating a lot healthier than I ever have, and I feel wonderful. Last night I told Matt I feel like a WW spokesperson. I am CONSTANTLY talking about how great it is and will tell anyone who will listen! Maybe I should ask for a paycheck..

Hope everyone has a great day, and don't forget to check back daily for the 30-day challenge!!!

Love love love,