Friday, June 3, 2011

Its been far too long!

Hey all! Sorry for the huge lapse in posts. We've been without a computer for a while, and I just don't have the time or patience to type up a post on my phone. I've missed blogging, so I'm glad to be able to have the opportunity to do it again.

Its been just shy of 2 months since my last post. In those 2 months, I've struggled a bit with keeping up my weight loss goals. It began with a trip we took home for our niece's 1st birthday party. I didn't do too bad, aside from eating fast food during the drive to and from. The very next weekend was Braxton's 1st birthday party. Again, I didn't go crazy, but I also didn't track anything I ate. Tracking everything I eat and drink has been key to my success so far. From that point on it spiraled downward. My youngest brother, Jeff, graduated college in May. I was fortunate enough to be able to make the trip to New Jersey with the kids. We had a wonderful time. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how ya look at it!), the weekend was filled with wine...LOTS of wine...and some of the best food I've ever had in my life, which naturally meant it was unhealthy. When I got back home, I was in the mindset I've found myself in so many times before..."well, I've already screwed it up this much, a little more won't hurt." This has been my downfall every single time I've tried to continue losing weight in the past. I'd go right back to my old ways, and soon enough I'd find myself feeling like crap again. But its not like that this time! I'm happy to say that I am back to my healthy ways and am already feeling fantastic. This is the first time I've fallen off the wagon, picked myself up, and got right back on it! Well, not RIGHT back on it, but you know what I mean! I've learned that beating myself up and feeling guilty about my indulgences will do nothing but make it worse. I'm human, I make mistakes. I REFUSE to fault myself for that any longer.

Fortunately, I didn't do as much damage as I thought I had. I did gain 2 lbs back, but they'll come off. And so will the rest of it! As long as I continue to focus on my goals, I can do this. I'm sure there will be more set backs, but now that I know I can overcome them, I can't fail!

1 comment:

  1. Becky,
    Don't beat yourself up! Everyone deserves to treat themselves, especially on special occasions. You're doing great and deserve a treat once in while. I find tracking my foods help take weight off easier as well. I also eat 3 small meals with 2 or 3 snacks. Walking almost 5 miles a day with Uncle Ronnie has helped with exercise as well as theraputic! We love our time together. So hang in there sweetie! When we did the Losing to Live...I was never a weekly bigest loser....but I continued to lose every week...even if it was only .2 pounds. By the end...I was the Biggest Loser. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm sure you've heard that before! Love you so much! Aunt DeeDee
