Thursday, April 7, 2011

Healthy tips and some recipes!

I've been asked several times over the past couple of months what I'm doing to lose weight, to which I usually reply Weight Watchers! I got to thinking, though...not everyone is doing WW nor does everyone want to, so that may not be a very helpful answer. I decided to make a list of some different things that have helped me along the way, whether its a couple of recipes or just some words of advice, and want to share them with you. And you don't have to be on WW to use them! I can only hope they will help you as much as they've helped me!

Your mentality and attitude toward any change you make is key, especially when it comes to losing weight. Any goals you set need to be realistic and obtainable, not to mention healthy! You may think 120 lbs is the perfect weight, but you need to check and see if thats a healthy option for you. Personally for me, I would look sick at 120, and that's below any recommended weight for me anyway. My recommended weight ranges from 130-160 lbs, so I set a goal of 150 lbs. I know my body pretty well, and I feel like that is the perfect weight for me. That means I will need to have lost a total of 79 lbs. That's a pretty big number, but to keep it less overwhelming I've broken that down into several small goals. My first goal, as I mentioned in my previous post, is to lose 10% of my starting weight. I've only got 6 lbs to go! 20 lbs is much easier to reach than nearly 80 lbs, so I suggest breaking it down into smaller goals if you've got a lot of weight to lose.

Your definition of perfection may need to change as well. You'll need to learn that perfection is not, nor will it ever be, an obtainable goal in any aspect of your life. I actually just came to realize this on Monday! I had a couple of days last week where I wasn't quite as good as I have been. I used up all of my weekly points, which I never do even though they are there for me to use if I need them (don't worry if you're not on WW and don't know what this means). I got to feeling pretty guilty about it, so I went through some message boards on the WW site looking for some support. I came across a post that really made me feel better. The woman who began the thread mentioned that she had gone off track and felt like she had ruined her diet all together. Another woman replied with this...

"Oh please - that happens to everyone!! Remember this is a lifestyle not a diet and you can't expect to live your life to a perfection standard. I have accepted that I need to binge once in a while and I will do that for the rest of my life. When it's over, I get back on the program the next day. Learn to forget it and move on, that's the most important thing. Don't hate yourself for it, embrace the fact that you needed it at the moment, but now you're ready to get back to healthy eating. You have to remember this is a LONG TERM program, not a quick fix. If you think of it like a diet that you have to follow to a T or it's over, it will never work for you. WW is the best thing I've ever done for my life. I'm up some weeks, but down most weeks and overall just plain healthier. I'm 5 pounds from "goal" but I'm going to stay on the program forever. It's just a great way to eat, live and be healthy."

I feel like this applies to anyone trying to lose weight, not just those on WW. I love how she mentions that she knows she's going to have days where she eats whatever she wants and that she NEEDS those days. I think we all do! Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows that when you tell yourself you can't have something, you want it 10 times more than you ever did and you end up going nuts with it. Let yourself indulge every now and again! I would say there is at least one day a week that I let myself have something that I want, whether its "diet food" or not. If I want pizza, I eat pizza! I even had ice cream last night, and not the diet kind. I had enough points leftover that we went to Dairy Queen! I just make sure I make really good decisions about everything else I'm eating that day so I don't over do it. Or just learn to make your favorite foods in a way thats healthier. There are so many ways to tweak and adjust recipes. Usually all it takes is a quick search in google! Letting yourself enjoy the things you like every once in a while (moderation is another big key!) is essential to success, not only in losing weight, but in keeping it off. 

Eating out is something I love to do, but unfortunately contributed greatly to my struggle with weight. While making meals at home is healthier, not to mention much more friendly on the wallet, eating out doesn't have to be done away with. You can still go out to eat, just plan ahead before you go. Check out the restaurant's website for their nutritional information and decide what you're going to have before you leave the house. Or, for those of you on WW, there is a wonderful website I want you to check out. It was created by a woman who lost more than 100 lbs through Weight Watchers. She has made a list of just about any restaurant you can think of and has listed the points value for just about everything on the menu. There is a lot more to offer on the site, and anyone can benefit from it (again, not just those on WW!!!). If I know we're going out to eat, the first thing I do is sit down and figure out what I'm going to eat and what the points are. Her website is and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it!

It won't be a matter of if you have a bad day, but WHEN. You will have bad days. And that's ok! It goes back to the unobtainable perfection we all seek. No one is perfect! You're only human! You have a bad day, you feel guilty, you get over it, move on and start fresh the next day! It really is as easy as that.

I came across a quote the other day that said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Some may use this as a mantra to stay in control. I, however, don't like it. To me it says the only thing you should focus on is being skinny. Just because one is thin doesn't mean they are healthy. Its important that you don't let the weight loss be your only goal. Making healthy food choices is something important not only for my own personal being, but for my kids too. I want to set a good example of how to eat healthy so they will do the same. Starving yourself isn't going to help you, at all. Nor do these fad diets with no carbs (your body needs them!), or this new HCG diet (craziest thing I've ever it if you want to know what it is) that only allows you to eat 500 calories a day. That's insane!!! Believe me, I've tried the fad diets. Yes I lost weight, but it also came back, with extra! You need to change the way you look at food. WW is teaching me how to eat all over again. This is a lifestyle change for me so that I can continue to eat this way for the rest of my life and keep the weight off. I know it can be difficult to make healthy choices, trust me. Running after an almost 1 year old who is into EVERYTHING while trying to do laundry, clean the house, make dinner, and run errands all the while trying to fit healthy foods into my diet is not an easy thing to do. But even little things can help. Have an extra helping of vegetables with dinner. Add a banana to your morning cereal. Drink a bottle of water on the way to the store. Every little bit helps!

I want to share a couple of food ideas and recipes with you. I'm going to try and add at least 1 new recipe or food idea each week, but we'll see...

One thing I've been talking about for the past couple of weeks is almond milk. It has more calcium than regular milk and has the same if not less amount of calories and fat. Plus, its delicious! I use the vanilla almond milk on my Cheerios. I also drink the dark chocolate almond milk when I need a chocolate fix. For those of you on WW, 1 cup of the vanilla has 2 points, and 1 cup of the chocolate has 3! Its the same amount as skim milk, but tastes SO much better.

Veggie Wrap with Hummus
Some may not like it, but I love hummus. I could eat it right out of the tub. Its a great alternative to mayonnaise or other fattening spreads and dips. I take a light wrap or flat bread, spread some hummus on it, and add as many vegetables that I can fit onto it. Its hearty, filling, and comes in at a measly 3 points depending on which wrap or flat bread you use! I use Flat Out light flatbread. For those that need something a little more substantial than veggies, add some plain tuna or chicken. This will make the points value different, but still en excellent and healthy choice.

Tofu Stir-Fry
Ok, so hummus and tofu are probably not number 1 and 2 on your list of favorite foods,  but there are ways to make them taste great! Here is one way that my dad shared with me!

3 oz of tofu, cut however you'd like (if you don't have a food scale...and I don't...its about the size of a deck of cards)
1/2 Tbsp Olive Oil
As much onion, bell peppers, or other vegetable that you like that stir fries well
1/4 C shredded mozzarella
Old Bay, to taste

Heat olive oil in skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add tofu and vegetables. Add as much Old Bay (or whatever seasonings you like) as you want. Stir-fry until vegetables are tender and tofu is a light golden brown. Remove from heat. Add cheese and more Old Bay. I add some hot sauce sometimes, too. Enjoy, at only 5 points :)

If any of you have any questions or are looking for a specific recipe, or maybe even a way to make one of your favorites healthier, let me know! You can get a hold of me through Facebook, or feel free to send me an e-mail at


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